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Ambitions Paneled Wall Add-on

5,626 Downloads 308 Thanks  Thanks 63 Favourited 18,843 Views
Uploaded: 14th Nov 2017 at 6:51 PM
Updated: 1st Mar 2019 at 3:33 PM
As everyone who knows me knows, I loathe incomplete sets. The paneled wall set that came with Ambitions is nice, but I often found it unusable because it lacked a matching wall that did not have the inner bevels. The middle piece had lines that didn't match up with anything and the base game dado wall that should have matched has a very different bump map/normal mask making the shadows and highlights completely different. Sick of constantly trying to use the panels only to throw my hands up in disgust and switch choices, I decided to make a little addon that will, hopefully, make that paneled set more useful.

Like its brethren, you can find this wall in Wall Sets, for §10. It comes in the same 3 presets as the originals. It only has 2 channels: the wall, and the moulding.

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